
As I have mentioned before, Dave Chappelle is my favorite comedian by a wide margin. Not just because his jokes are smart and funny, but because he is not only a comedian. He is a brilliant person that advocates in favor of the Black community in each and every show he performs.

After the murder of George Floyd by a police officer-and the riots that followed- Dave took the stage once more and performed a unique special. Only this time, it was not about comedy.

He acknowledges the fact that he is getting older, and he is a part of an older generation in his late 40s. Instead of dissing and demonizing the youth, he puts trust on us and encourages to “drive further” while he seats comfortably at the backseat.

Celebrities should use their platform to raise awareness about social justice constantly, not just now because it is trending. Right now, they should not talk over the work of million of protesters, no, they should join them in the streets because “the streets are talking for themselves” and they don’t need celebrities talking and claiming the spotlight.

The killing was 8 minutes and 46 seconds long. It lasted way longer than a powerful earthquake and i think this is what Dave hopes: This 8 minute and 46 second long earthquake, will shake the United States like never before. The old, white supremacist establishment will be torn down to pieces and as the BLM movement sprouts out of the debris, a new era for the States will rise. But as Dave reminds at the end, so clearly, love and trust is the only way forward.